Keto Naan Bread Recipe (2024)

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With only 4g net carbs per slice, this easy keto naan recipe is a must! Made with mozzarella cheese and almond flour, it's low-carb and gluten-free too.

Keto Naan Bread Recipe (1)
Article Index
  • Ingredients Needed For Keto Naan
  • How To Make Keto Naan Bread
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Keto Naan
  • More Keto Bread Recipes
  • Recipe

If you never heard of or had a chance to try naan bread before, you are really missing out! It's a bread popular in Asia that typically goes with a curry (like this pork curry recipe), mopping up the spicy sauce in every bite.

Today, you'll find naan at Indian restaurants or in the bakery section of your grocery store.

My goal with this recipe was to create a bread low in carbs but still maintains the same flaky texture as traditional naan.

Traditionally, naan is made with flour, yeast, yogurt, and other spices. To make this recipe low-carb friendly, I used almond flour and mozzarella cheese instead of wheat flour and sour cream instead of yogurt.

Keep reading for some super-helpful tips, and then scroll down to the bottom for the entire recipe!

Ingredients Needed For Keto Naan

If you have ever baked a keto-friendly recipe before, you probably already have all the ingredients you need.

Low Carb Flour

The best combination for this baked low-carb bread recipe is a lot of mozzarella cheese and some almond flour.

Out of all the low-carb flours available out there, I found that almond flour worked best to make this Indian naan bread.

Tip: Remember to use blanched almond flour, not almond meal. Almond meal is made with almond skins on them, so it will give the bread a gritty texture.


You need the eggs to help bind all of the ingredients together! I prefer to use large eggs, but the size really won't matter for the recipe.


Make sure to use unsalted butter! If you use salted butter, just cut back on how much salt you add to the bread (if you use any at all- my recipe doesn't call for any).

Sour Cream

For this naan recipe, use full-fat sour cream. If you don't have any on hand, try replacing it with greek yogurt.


Don't forget the baking powder - that's what makes the bread flaky and helps it rise! I also added some garlic powder. You can add a sprinkle of onion powder, too, if you think it needs it.

Please note:Check out the recipe card at the bottom for a full list of ingredients used to make this low-carb recipe.

Keto Naan Bread Recipe (2)

Quick Tips:

  • Melt the cheese in the microwave. Do it in 30-second intervals and stir it really well in between intervals. This way, the mozzarella cheese won't burn.
  • Wet your hands before forming the naan pieces. If your hands are wet, the dough won't stick to them as much. This is a very sticky dough, so this tip is super important.
  • Line the baking sheet with a silicone baking mat. The naan will probably stick to a metal baking sheet, so I like to use my silicone mat for easy clean-up.

How To Make Keto Naan Bread

The entire recipe is on the printable recipe card at the bottom of this post. First, here are some step-by-step photos of the naan recipe so you can make them along with me.

Mix The Ingredients

First, melt the mozzarella cheese in the microwave. Then, add it to the rest of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl.

At this point, I think using an electric mixer really speeds up the process. You can certainly mix it by hand, but that will take a lot longer.

When everything is mixed, form the dough into 8 even pieces.

Keto Naan Bread Recipe (3)

Bake The Bread

Flatten the dough so that each piece is the same thickness - around ¼ inch thick. Place them on a silicone mat on a baking sheet and bake them for about 20 minutes.

When they are finished baking, they will have a golden brown color. to check for doneness, you can insert a toothpick and it should come out clean.

Brush some melted butter on each piece of the hot naan bread and sprinkle some fresh parsley on top! Yum!

Keto Naan Bread Recipe (4)

What To Serve With Low-Carb Naan

Naan is typically served with Indian or middle-eastern recipes. I love to serve it with some homemade keto butter chicken for an authentic experience.

It will also taste amazing with some curry cabbage soup or stuffed keto cabbage rolls!

Another idea is to eat it at lunch! Add your favorite meat and dressing and use it as sandwich bread or a wrap.

Frequently Asked Questions About Keto Naan

Here are some questions people tend to ask about this recipe - see if your question is on the list.

Can you fry naan on a cast iron skillet?

Traditionally, naan bread is fried on a skillet, but I don't recommend doing that with this low-carb recipe. The outside might burn before the inside is fully cooked.

I prefer to bake the naan because it has the perfect texture without getting burned. However, you can brown the outside in a skillet after baking if you want.

How do you store low-carb naan?

Store this bread in a resealable bag or an airtight container. It will stay fresh at room temperature for 2-3 days or in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Is keto naan gluten-free?

Yes! Since this is made with almond flour, it doesn't have any gluten in it at all.

Is this keto naan made with fathead dough?

No, this is not made with fathead dough. Fathead dough is a combination of mozzarella cheese, cream cheese, egg, and a type of low-carb flour (like almond flour). I did not use any cream cheese; I used sour cream.

There is a way to make fathead naan, but you will have to decrease how much mozzarella cheese you use.

Keto Naan Bread Recipe (5)

Can you freeze keto naan?

Yes, this flatbread freezes really well! I recommend baking it and then freezing it.

Keto Naan Bread Recipe (6)

Make a bunch of this low-carb naan flatbread and share it with people you know. They won't believe their tastebuds! It really is a surprising recipe.

It tastes just like fried naan but with so many fewer carbs.

More Keto Bread Recipes

If you enjoyed this keto naan recipe, then you will love these low-carb bread recipes too. They are gluten-free and made with low-carb flour!

  • Coconut Flour Pizza Crust is the perfect base for your favorite pizza pie.
  • Key Lime Bread Coconut Cake Loaf is a sweet bread that tastes like it is full of sugar, but it only has 2g net carbs in each slice.
  • Keto Bread tastes amazing on sandwiches and since it is made with pork rinds, it has almost no carbs at all.
  • Keto Bagels are made with fathead dough and taste perfect in the morning with a hot cup of coffee.
  • Low-Carb Buttermilk Pancakes are made with oat fiber so they are packed with enough fiber to keep you full all day long.

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Keto Naan Bread Recipe (7)

Keto Naan Bread

5 from 8 votes

At just 4g net carbs per slice, this easy low-carb bread is a must! It's made with mozzarella cheese and almond flour, it's gluten-free too.

Prep Time:15 minutes mins

Cook Time:20 minutes mins

Total Time:35 minutes mins

Course: Bread

Cuisine: Asian

Diet: Diabetic, Gluten Free

Print Pin Review Recipe Save Recipe

Servings: 8

Calories: 293



  • 3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 ½ cups almond flour
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons butter melted
  • chopped parsley for garnish


  • Preheat the oven to 350°F.

  • Add the mozzarella cheese to a microwave safe bowl, and heat at 30 second intervals until completely melted and formed into a cheese dough ball.

  • Place the cheese dough into a mixing bowl with the rest of the ingredients except for the butter and parsley. Beat on high until well combined.

  • Wet your hands slightly, and form the dough into 8 even pieces.

  • Flatten the dough into a ¼ inch thick naan shapes on a parchment or silicone mat lined baking sheet.

  • Bake for 15-20 minutes until browned and cooked through.

  • Brush the melted butter on the warm naan bread and sprinkle with chopped parsley before serving.


If your hands are wet, the dough won't stick to them as much. This is a very sticky dough, so this tip is super important.

The naan will probably stick to a metal baking sheet, so make sure you line your pan with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.

Store this bread in a resealable bag or an airtight container. It will stay fresh at room temperature for 2-3 days or in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Low Carb Sweeteners | Keto Sweetener Conversion Chart


Calories: 293 | Carbohydrates: 6g | Protein: 15g | Fat: 24g | Saturated Fat: 9g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 83mg | Sodium: 308mg | Potassium: 206mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 449IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 332mg | Iron: 1mg

Additional Info

Net Carbs: 4g | % Carbs: 5.5% | % Protein: 20.5% | % Fat: 74% | SmartPoints: 10

Notes on Nutritional Information

Nutritional information for the recipe is provided as a courtesy and is approximate only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the nutritional information given for any recipe on this site. Erythritol carbs are not included in carb counts as it has been shown not to impact blood sugar. Net carbs are the total carbs minus fiber.


© - Unauthorized use of this material without written permission is strictly prohibited unless for personal offline purposes. Single photos may be used, provided that full credit is given to along with a link back to the original content.

Keto Naan Bread Recipe (2024)


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