Who Should I Invite to a Gender Reveal Party? - Mommy With Love (2024)

The idea of gender reveal party is still new. But in recent times, it has gained a lot of popularity among most expectant couples. With this popularity, couples are getting more and more innovative on how they celebrate such an event.

If you are planning to hold a gender reveal party, then one of the questions you are asking yourself is, “who should I invite to my gender reveal party?”

Suitable List of Guests You Should Invite to Your Gender Reveal Party

  • Members of Your Immediate Family

Your immediate family should be invited to the gender reveal party. The family members include the couple’s parents, siblings, and grandparents. Your family members are most likely to be looking forward to the party, and if you fail to invite them, then a strain may be planted in your relationship.

However, when you are inviting the older generations like grandparents, it is prudent to explain clearly the meaning of gender reveal party. The older generations may confuse the occasion for baby shower. Besides, a close family member may offer you the much needed helping hand in planning and organization of the gender reveal party.

  • Extended Family
Who Should I Invite to a Gender Reveal Party? - Mommy With Love (1)

You should also consider inviting the members of your extended family to the gender reveal party. For one, they are also likely to be excited about the news of the coming baby. They will also be looking forward to knowing the gender of the new arrival.

However, if your extended family comprises of many members, you need to come up with a method of identifying a few members of your extended family to invite. You can’t invite everyone to the party. If you pick a few and leave out the rest, you may run into issues of fairness. If you are inviting members of your extended family, do prioritize the list and make sure to communicate to the rest of the members the reason behind your prioritization.

  • Closest Friends

Your closest friends should be invited to the gender reveal party. The friends who are always there for you are supposed to make to the list of the guests. Such friends include your maid of honor and closest bridesmaid.

The friends who have seen you through your worst time will be thrilled with the news of your pregnancy. They will also be eager to know the gender of your baby.

Besides, your closest friend will also play a vital role in the organization of the gender reveal party. You may need your friends to organize a reveal party that will surprise both the mom and dad alongside the other guests. Your closest buddy will also be responsible for ordering the pink and blue colored cake that reveals the gender of the baby.

You should remember that you can’t invite your closest friends alone. When you invite them, you must also invite their partners or spouses. If they have young children, they should come with them, too. If you have too many friends and you are low on budget, then you will need to prioritize your list.

  • Deacon or Reverend

If you are a religious person, then you may want to invite your reverend or deacon to your gender reveal party. However, this will depend on the kind of relationship you have with the clergyman. If you feel they will play a spiritual role in the growth of the baby, then it will be wise to invite them to the gender reveal party.

The People Not to Invite

Who Should I Invite to a Gender Reveal Party? - Mommy With Love (2)

The guests on the ‘’Questionable Invite List’’ should skip the gender reveal party and appear for the baby shower. Not everyone wants to appear on a gender reveal party. Some guests prefer they come to a baby shower but skip the reveal party.

It doesn’t mean they don’t care for you. Some people are less concerned about the gender of the baby. They simply love babies, whether they are girls or boys. Such people are rarely excited upon hearing the news of the gender of your baby. But they will be happy to attend a baby shower. Some of the questionable invites include:

  • Distant Friends

If you usually feel awkward calling a distant friend just to catch up, then it is inappropriate to invite them for a gender reveal party. Although they may be excited about the news of your pregnancy, they will not see any reason why they have to attend a gender reveal party. Such a friend will be more comfortable attending your baby shower than a gender reveal party.

  • Co-Workers

Gender reveal parties are usually intimate affairs. The people who are more excited about the gender of your baby are your closest friends or family members. You share a professional relationship with your co-workers, and inviting them to a gender reveal party may seem out of place.

Gender reveal parties are the same as christening occasions. If you don’t feel comfortable inviting your co-workers to a christening event, then it will be inappropriate to invite them to a gender reveal party. Besides, your co-workers will prefer you to invite them to a baby shower instead.

It is recommended to have a low key occasion to create a perfect mood for your friends and family to relax and have fun. The smaller the guest list, the better the BBQ atmosphere.

Mistakes to Avoid When Inviting Guests to Gender Reveal Party

Who Should I Invite to a Gender Reveal Party? - Mommy With Love (3)
  • Failure to Involve the Parents-to-Be

Before you come up with a list of the guests to invite to a gender reveal party, ensure you consult the parents-to-be on who should make a list. Gender reveal parties are supposed to be attended by close family and friends of the couple. You will not know the details of the guests to be invited if you fail to consult the parents-to-be. Remember, the objective of the party is to make the parents happy. You should involve them in all major decisions concerning the party.

  • Not Making a Guest List

You should remember to make a guest list when planning your party. In the excitement and flurry of party planning, you may easily forget to invite an essential person in your life. This may end up causing a lot of trouble in the way you relate to them. To avoid this, sit down with the rest of your family and come up with a clear list of the people you want to grace your party.

Write down everyone you feel should be invited. If the list is too big, prioritize it to fit into your budget. Before you finalize the list, ensure you get someone to double-check it. You should also order extra invitation cards just in case you leave someone out, and you want to correct the anomaly.

  • Inviting Too Many People

Sometimes, you may get carried away with the excitement that comes with the news of a new baby that you end up inviting too many people to gender reveal party. Gender reveal parties are supposed to be low key events. As such, you need to prioritize your list and invite a few close friends and family. These are the people who you can comfortably share intimately on any issue affecting your family.

Besides, inviting too many people to an event comes with its share of challenges. You may end up overshooting your budget, which may lead to debts. Too many guests will also come with logistical nightmares.

  • Sending the Invitation out Too Late or Too Early

Invitation cards are central to the success of your party. Your guests must receive their invitation at the appropriate time. If your guests receive the invitation at the wrong time, then their chances of attending may be minimal. Also, when you send the invitation too early, your guests may easily forget all about it.

On the other hand, if you send the card too late, your guests may not be available due to other commitments. Invitations should be sent at least one month before the party goes down. If you are dealing with busy guests, then it will be best to confirm their attendance a week before the gender reveal party.

Gender reveal parties are becoming popular. However, you should not invite everyone to your party. Come up with a specific list of guests you should invite.

Who Should I Invite to a Gender Reveal Party? - Mommy With Love (2024)


Who do you typically invite to a gender reveal party? ›

Many couples choose to make this one a more intimate affair, with only close friends and family on the guest list.

What do you say to invite people to a gender reveal? ›

Gender Reveal Shower Invitation Wording Examples
  • Bows or bow-ties, which will it be? Either way, come and celebrate and find out whether it will be a new little lady or gentleman.
  • Little boy or little girl? It'll be a surprise for us, too! ...
  • We've got a special bun in the oven. ...
  • Blue or pink, which do you vote for?
Dec 2, 2020

Are guests supposed to bring gifts to a gender reveal party? ›

Bringing a gift for a gender reveal is not a requirement, but it is a wonderful gesture to celebrate the soon-to-be new addition to the family. It's like the pre-party to the main event, where you get to shower the expecting parents with all the love, and maybe a little something special to welcome baby with open arms.

Who usually pays for a gender reveal party? ›

So, to be on the safe side, parents throwing a gender reveal party should bear the cost or most of it if family and friends offer to help with the expenses.

What is proper etiquette for a gender reveal party? ›

Because gender reveal parties are so new, the exact rules and expectations for the event are still unsure. However, you should always air on the side of respect and care. For that reason, always bring a congratulations card, anything the couple has specifically requested, and if possible, a gift.

How many months should you be to have a gender reveal party? ›

Timing is everything! The perfect moment for a gender reveal party is during the second trimester, 18-20 weeks after the mid-pregnancy ultrasound. This is when you can start exploring various baby gender reveal party ideas to make the event memorable.

How far in advance do you send out gender reveal invitations? ›

No matter which route you go, aim to send gender reveal invitations out four to six weeks ahead of time — a happy medium that allows guests enough time to plan, but not so much time they'll forget about the special occasion.

How do you respond to gender reveal? ›

Write something generic

Whether boy or girl, they will be as cute as a button and I am thrilled for you both.” “We were both so happy to hear your news and wish you well on your gender reveal day.”

How do you make a gender reveal special? ›

Here are some of our favorite gender reveal ideas for gender reveal parties and baby showers!
  1. Confetti Drop. ...
  2. Balloon Box Release. ...
  3. Piñata Smash. ...
  4. Cake Cutting. ...
  5. Cupcake Reveal. ...
  6. Colored Smoke. ...
  7. Silly String Fight. ...
  8. Dart Board Balloon Pop.
May 28, 2024

Who usually throws a gender reveal party? ›

While it's most common for the expecting parents to host the event, it's not uncommon for close friends and family to help host or play a role in the announcement (especially if the parent's to be intend to be surprised by the gender at the shower, as well)!

Should you have food at a gender reveal party? ›

Hosts will typically serve snacks and drinks at a gender reveal party. You can even incorporate food into the reveal itself!

How long does a gender reveal party last? ›

How long do gender reveal parties usually last? They're typically brief, ranging from 1-2 hours.

Who is normally invited to a gender reveal party? ›

In addition to inviting family, many of us will want to share the news with our friends. This might include close childhood friends, friends from work, or neighbors who we simply want to share the good news with.

How much should a gender reveal cost? ›

Typically, a gender reveal party ranges anywhere from $250 to $1,000 and more. It mainly depends on the theme you're going for and the extent of the event. For instance, if you're hosting a large-scale party, then be prepared to spend at least $500 or more overall.

Who sets up gender reveal parties? ›

Most commonly, a third party (sometimes called a "gender guardian") is entrusted with the information, and it remains a secret from the parents until the reveal. This person is responsible for making party arrangements to ensure the reveal happens without the prior knowledge of the parents.

Who usually does a gender reveal party? ›

Demographic research shows the most gender reveal parties are done by expecting parents that are middle-class, heterosexual White Americans who are married or partnered.

Who knows the gender for a gender reveal party? ›

Often neither parent knows the sex of the baby, and this information is only known by a trusted friend or family member called a "gender guardian". In this situation, both of the parents get to share in the excitement of the gender reveal with their guests.

What to wear to a gender reveal party as a guest? ›

With Gender Reveal Parties ladies might opt for a pink or blue sundress, a cardigan and leggings, or a nice pink or blue blouse paired with some skinny jeans. Gentlemen can keep it casual and simple going with a pink or blue polo button-up, collared shirt, or t-shirt and a pair of jeans or casual slacks.

How long do gender reveal parties last? ›

How long do gender reveal parties usually last? They're typically brief, ranging from 1-2 hours.


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